Online security issues becoming more and more concern as technology improved. Without denying also the popularity of online business transaction is becoming a major portion of most of the enterprises and companies. For instance, customers and dealer’s privacy on bank account number, credit card number, personal information and other private information are all shown once register and transaction has made. No doubt that every users feel as what the online security expert claims "One of the biggest challenges of 2008 will be, how do you do business online when you know there's a bad guy in the middle?" says Chris Rouland, chief technology officer in IBM's Internet security systems division.
There are a lot of threats surrounding and saturated in the website by the hackers. Technically, one of the most common threats is the use of malicious software in tracking and exploiting the trust and confidential information in between the transaction. The typical malicious softwares are virus, worm, Trojan horse and rookit. As viruses become more sophisticated bait, even the messages containing virus payloads are getting slicker There is also Denial-of service crash computers or issue floods of commands to overwhelm websites to swipe personal information, such as bank and credit-card numbers. Distributed denial-of-service comes into picture to gain illegal access to multiple of computers and send a flood of data packets to the target computer. Spam is being release to monitor user’s email or personal database for other illegal purpose usage. Social engineering and phishing are also often used to trick customer into providing their information on the fake website. Social networks, Internet calling systems, and smart phones could be more vulnerable to hackers in the coming future as shown in network security expert research by Aaron Ricadela.
To promote safety of users data in online transaction, the Symantec had enclose worldwide security intelligence data gathered from a wide range of sources through their products to ensure security. Future more, it attracts email from around the world to measure global spam and phishing activity to provide an extensive antifraud community of enterprises and consumers; and receive fraudulent Web site addresses for alerting and filtering across a broad range of solutions. There is more products and services provided by Symantec to secure data and reduce the risk of being attack by hackers. For safeguard of non technical threats, enterprises are given advice to secure their own data and customer data by setting up an outside personal storage device and well manage their web based asset.
Therefore, certain degree of data safety can be ensured by accompanying the step proposed by online security expert as shown in
There are a lot of threats surrounding and saturated in the website by the hackers. Technically, one of the most common threats is the use of malicious software in tracking and exploiting the trust and confidential information in between the transaction. The typical malicious softwares are virus, worm, Trojan horse and rookit. As viruses become more sophisticated bait, even the messages containing virus payloads are getting slicker There is also Denial-of service crash computers or issue floods of commands to overwhelm websites to swipe personal information, such as bank and credit-card numbers. Distributed denial-of-service comes into picture to gain illegal access to multiple of computers and send a flood of data packets to the target computer. Spam is being release to monitor user’s email or personal database for other illegal purpose usage. Social engineering and phishing are also often used to trick customer into providing their information on the fake website. Social networks, Internet calling systems, and smart phones could be more vulnerable to hackers in the coming future as shown in network security expert research by Aaron Ricadela.
To promote safety of users data in online transaction, the Symantec had enclose worldwide security intelligence data gathered from a wide range of sources through their products to ensure security. Future more, it attracts email from around the world to measure global spam and phishing activity to provide an extensive antifraud community of enterprises and consumers; and receive fraudulent Web site addresses for alerting and filtering across a broad range of solutions. There is more products and services provided by Symantec to secure data and reduce the risk of being attack by hackers. For safeguard of non technical threats, enterprises are given advice to secure their own data and customer data by setting up an outside personal storage device and well manage their web based asset.
Therefore, certain degree of data safety can be ensured by accompanying the step proposed by online security expert as shown in
hehe...i also done the same topic with you...feel like yours better than group members will kill me...
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